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T.J.'s Quick Quilter™

Vintage Blocks Test Pattern
Vintage Blocks Test Pattern in LivingColor
The Backroom Quilter
Gayle P. Ropp - Owner
1101 Arlington Ridge Rd., S.,
Unit 1006
Arlington, VA 22202

T.J.'s Quick Quilter™
Eliminates sore fingers from hand quilting. It is used in the under hand to receive the needle, then helps guide the needle back up through the surface of the quilt to begin again. With practice, the Quick Quilter™ also helps to make small, even stitches. You'll love the new grip!

Mastering Spoon Quilting DVD
Will show you how this unique tool protects the fingers of the under-hand from the needle. Join Gayle Ropp as she teaches the Spoon Quilting method using T.J.'s Quick Quilter™, the best tool for pain-free hand quilting. Using this method, the needle will never hit your fingers again!

2010 Fall Quilt Market: The Backroom Quilter, Gayle Ropp
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